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We value your opinion and will use it to ensure the highest quality of our product and services.

Take a look at other services we offer to help hosts like you improve your business.

Get a Listing Review
$ 19 / per listing
  • Already have a listing set up but not getting bookings? Get a complete review of your listing with detailed feedback on where to improve for $19 only, as well as insider tips based on your market, your competitors, and what your property has to offer.
Get a Listing Review
Get a Listing Setup
$ 179 / Professional Listing Setup
  • High-quality, professional photography Custom pricing for peak and low seasons, holidays, events, etc. Policy recommendations, minimum stays, house rules Professionally written property description and amenities Guest communication, queries, arrivals, internal issues Final review of your listing done together before it goes live: you have the final say Listing account options: control your own account and give us partner access, or let us handle the account with your owner details
Get a Listing Setup

Why Properly?

All Properly’s services are designed by hosts who understand the challenges that new hosts face, and have spent years refining solutions to overcome them. We want to save you the time and effort by creating a community of hosts who can support you with your hosting needs.