All Articles for Archive
Introducing a Brand New Look on Mobile!
[:en]As you may have noticed, we recently launched a slick web application that lets owners and
Properly, The Only Cleaning and Changeover Management Solution for Vacation Rentals, Launches!
[:en]Today is a proud day at Properly. For more than a year, our tiny but mighty
Properly News, Properly News, Properly News February 3, 2017
New Feature: Create and Export Reports
[:en]Now you can create and export detailed reports on Properly to run your short term rental
Properly Integrates with Orbirental Property Management System to Improve Turnover Operations!
[:en]Properly already helps thousands of vacation rental PMs and home sharing hosts manage turnovers for Airbnb
VR Host & Owner Tips, VR Host & Owner Tips, VR Host & Owner Tips January 14, 2017
Prepare Your Vacation Rental for Weather Emergencies with These Must-Have Items
[:en] Let’s face it: weather-related emergencies happen. And Mother Nature doesn’t really care how much time
Announcing Properly for Owners and Property Managers on the Web!
[:en] For the entire year we have been building a web application that makes scheduling changeover
How Properly Saved A Superhost from a Stinky Dog Dilemma
[:en] Meet Barkley! Barkley is Alex, our founder’s, dog and everyone at Properly’s favorite furry friend.
Cleaning & Housekeeping, Cleaning & Housekeeping September 28, 2016
10 Vacation Rental Cleaning Hacks You Need to Know
[:en] Like many vacation rental owners, one of my biggest sources of pride is positive reviews.
Breaking it Down With Pricing Data: Beyond Pricing Shows How Properly Can Increase Bookings by 20%
[:en]I stumbled across an article by Dan Hill, the product lead at Airbnb who wrote their