Cleaning & turnover

Clean Wallpapered Walls

Wallpapered walls attract dirt and dust and therefore need to be cleaned on a regular basis.

Time estimate for cleaning: 1 hour for standard size room

Time estimate for stain removal: 10-15 minutes, depending on the stain

This Skill will provide step-by-step instructions on how to clean your wallpapered walls including:

1. Best practices
2. General cleaning
3. Dusting
4. Stain removal

For cleaning, you will need:

1. Soft, absorbent cloth
2. Clean rag
3. Liquid dish soap
4. Peroxide, ammonia, vinegar

For stain removal, you will need a combination of the following:

1. Putty knife or rubber scraper
2. Iron
3. Paper towel
4. Art gum
5. Talcum powder
6. Peroxide

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