Cleaning & turnover

Deep Clean an Oven

Ovens can accumulated grease and burnt food resulting in a fire hazard.

Time estimate for deep cleaning: 1 hour; Up to 12 hours for some cleaning methods

This Skill provides step-by-step instructions for removing stains using variety of methods including:

1. Preparing the oven
2. Baking soda, water and vinegar
3. Consumer cleaners
4. Warm water and dish soap
5. Glass Cleaner

You will need a combination of the following:

1. Baking soda
2. Water
3. Small bowl
4. White vinegar
5. Paint brush
6. Dish cloth
7. Plastic or silicone spatula
8. Spray bottle
9. Newspapers
10. Rubber gloves
11. Protective glasses
12. Consumer cleaner
13. Large garbage bag
14. Dish soap
15. Sponge
16. Scouring pad
17. Multi-purpose cleaner
18. Cleaning cloth

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