Boost Your Ranking in the Marketplace & Earn Badges
When you sign up to become a Community Service Provider in the Properly Marketplace, you’ll get ranked according to how qualified you appear to be for the job. You can boost your ranking with a few best practices around using the Properly app and servicing your properties. Boost Your Ranking in the Marketplace with these tips.
You can earn Badges on Properly that show your potential clients what skills you specialize in. Badges show that you provide an exceptional level of service and give new clients confidence that you’re the right service provider for the job.
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Loved by Property Management Professionals
Properly’s Remote Inspection service goes beyond the app. Their optional Remote Inspection team is the secret weapon that helps me manage multiple properties without the stress.
My usual cleaning service closed during the holidays, but by using Properly, I was able to plug a new cleaner in without even meeting them to do a walk-through.