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Trust But Verify – Best Practices for Ensuring Top-Quality Cleaning
[:en]The quality of our cleaning teams can make or break your vacation rental business, and the
Cleaning & Housekeeping, Cleaning & Housekeeping, Cleaning & Housekeeping, Cleaning & Housekeeping, Cleaning & Housekeeping May 23, 2018
Properly Service Provider Profile – Carlos Vasquez
[:en] Carlos’ cleaning company – Hostable Hospitality – is new to the scene, but it is
VR Host & Owner Tips, VR Host & Owner Tips, VR Host & Owner Tips May 23, 2018
Monitor cleaning quality with photo verification, time tracking and geolocation
[:en]You hardly need us to tell you that, in this industry, presentation is everything. If you
Housekeeping Tidbits
[:en]A housekeepers world is full of all sorts of tidbits of knowledge and common issues. Here
When it’s not a “hot turn” – schedule jobs with flexible start time
[:en]Hot turn, same-day flip, high priority changeover...all phrases that mean the same thing - current guests
Music: The upside of listening while you work & a Properly Playlist
[:en]On a whim last month, we asked our service providers if they listened to music while
Improve Client Communication with Thumbs Up and Comments
[:en]Creating collaborative partnerships with your clients is essential for service providers, and it’s a key factor
Creating a great profile
[:en]Finding an experienced service provider who understands the vacation rental industry is one of the biggest
Our best practice advice for managing service providers
[:en]Last month, we gave you our tips for finding, vetting, and hiring the perfect service providers